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The rare disease challenge meeting

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People with rare diseases often wait years to get a diagnosis. Now innovators, drugs manufacturers, patient groups and clinicians are joining forces to accelerate the process

31 January 2019

On 13 March 2012, Nancy Frates's 27-year-old son Pete was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a form of motor neuron disease. She remembers every second of the consultation, and how their doctor, despite being caring and compassionate, offered them no hope for Pete's future. "It's hard to look back on it with anything but complete pain and sadness," she says, adding that probably the most horrifying thing was that nobody knew much about this disease.

Recently, Nancy was one of the participants and a keynote speaker at RxRE 2018, an innovative two-day event in London organised by Pfizer, to help improve the lives of people with rare diseases and accelerate the time it takes for them to get an accurate diagnosis.

Rare disease patients, of which there are 350 million worldwide, face huge challenges. It takes on average 5.6 years in the UK, for their illness to be properly identified. During that time, they can end up visiting seven or eight doctors. The doubt, frustration and bewilderment of that journey can be traumatising. Moreover, once diagnosed, there is often little chance they will receive effective treatment: for 90% of rare diseases, there is no approved therapy1.


"Collectively rare diseases are quite common, but individually they are rare," says Nolan Townsend, Pfizer's regional president for rare diseases in international developed markets. "Physicians are trained to recognise patterns, and unfortunately for patients rare diseases don't come up that often. This is one of the big challenges not only for treating these diseases but also for studying them."

The aim of RxRE was to bring together scientists, drugs manufacturers, policymakers, health technology companies, clinicians and patients to exchange ideas, build partnerships and learn more about the difficulties facing rare disease patients and their families. As everyone at the meeting openly acknowledged, the field suffers from a ‘silo effect’. Frates says she quickly discovered after her son's diagnosis that the various research groups working on ALS "had never talked to each other before". Technology start-ups, pharmaceutical companies and genetics labs may be driven by the same mission – to speed up diagnosis – but they are often focused on different aspects.

This is true not just for ALS but for many rare diseases. The biology behind the various diseases may be quite different, but the experiences of patients are often very similar. Pfizer's big idea in bringing all the parties together is to enable them to learn from each other and to share success stories that they can all learn from. "RxRE is really about collaboration," says Townsend, "to bring together the rare disease network to try to find common solutions."

One of the aims of RxRE was to allow professionals working on rare diseases to hear directly from patients about the difficulties they face, an interaction that seemed to benefit the patients too. "Having access to researchers and pharmaceutical companies, and to people in technology who have tools and resources that we would not normally have, is an amazing opportunity," says Durhane Wong-Rieger, president of the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders and a parent of two children born with rare diseases. "My vision for a rare disease community in the future is to be connected to researchers, the health system and everybody else."

The challenge for the rare diseases community will be to keep up the momentum generated by the event and encourage the partnerships and ideas that emerged. "No single party can address the challenge of diagnosis in rare diseases alone," says Townsend. "My hope is that this community will come together on a regular basis in whatever format is necessary."

In her keynote address, Frates described what can happen when collaboration works, when all those involved in a field pull together in a common cause. She and her family have been particularly successful in this regard. In 2014, they started the ice bucket challenge video campaign to raise awareness of ALS. The campaign spread globally and raised a quarter of a billion dollars. It led to a number of clinical trials for new treatments, the discovery of four genes associated with the disease, and earlier diagnosis for thousands of patients.

Vilius Krivonosovas

As well as finding new cures and treatments, many of those working in rare diseases are driven by the desire to end the sense of hopelessness and loneliness that patients and their families often feel when they are told the source of their symptoms. Hopelessness is also common among those patients who have not yet been diagnosed. "Not having a diagnosis, the feelings that it brings of isolation and exclusion and of not being understood – that is very difficult," says Virginie Bros-Facer, Scientific Director at EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe, a unique, non-profit alliance of over 800 rare disease patient organisations from 70 countries that work together to improve the lives of people living with a rare disease in Europe. "In some countries it is difficult to access health and social care. Without a name you don't know what you are fighting for."

After two days of networking, brainstorming and discussion at RxRE, has the event given patients a reason to feel optimistic? "I think conferences such as this are fostering partnerships and having people understand that the problem is a lot bigger than just themselves," says Frates. Dirk Vander Mijnsbrugge, Medical Affairs Lead International Developed Markets, Pfizer Rare Disease, agrees. "It is our obligation to bring hope," he says. "If there was no hope we would not be here. We will never give up."

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The potential for improving the lives of rare disease sufferers has increased dramatically in the last two or three years with the evolution of machine learning algorithms and other AI applications. AI programmes can analyse huge quantities of information from healthcare records, genetic screening, wearable apps, demographic information and even online browsing behaviour, and spot patterns that might indicate the onset of a disease. They can identify high-risk patients far more accurately and allow doctors and patients to diagnose illnesses far sooner than is generally possible today.

However, developers warn that lack of access to healthcare data is hampering progress in this field. "To train your models or to get a better idea of whether what you are doing is right, you need a big source of patient data that you can look at and study," says Rudy Benfredj, co-founder of the health technology start-up Mendelian, based in London. "Today this is very difficult to find." Rather than a global data-sharing agreement, which could take years to arrange, the solution may lie in low-level partnerships of the kind that Pfizer hoped to initiate at RxRE, for example between start-ups and patient groups or healthcare providers.

There are obvious privacy concerns, though as Benfredj points out, rare disease patients are often keen to share details about their condition if it might lead to better treatment or faster diagnosis than currently available. Mendelian's online platform is designed to help doctors and clinical professionals identify rare diseases, but Benfredj has noticed that a large number of patients have been trying to use it too.


Rare Disease Impact Report: Insights from patients and the medical community. Shire and Global Genes. April 2013. Available at: Accessed December, 2018
